The show last evening was a big success. A good crowd came out to cheer the fighters on and all the fighters, regardless of their experience level, were able to showcase their talents before an enthusiastic crowd. Chris Guzman of Bolo Punch Boxing Hour not only did his usual great job of announcing but donated a couple of items from his personal collection of boxing memorabilia to be auctioned off to help the club out. Several fighters were making their debut appearances before a crowd but did really well in spite of a little case of the jitters. One of the great things about these in-house shows is that the boxers get a chance to fight in front of a crowd. It's one thing to spar in the gym when you're in with the same bunch of people you train with all the time. It's a lot different when you've got an audience out there and the lights get dim.
Photos will be available from Surly Camera in a few days. I'll let you know here and I'll post it at the gym.
Thanks to everyone who fought, worked, coached, photographed, set-up & took down, cheered and pitched in financially. We'll be taking several fighters to the Silver Gloves due to your generosity and continued support. It takes all of us working together to keep these fine young men and women in the gym and training.
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